Photos 2022
KHVC Club Show – 31st July
It was really successful Knighton Club show at the Ludlow Food Centre yesterday. There was a good variety of club cars and visitors there, and some of the more unusual vehicles are shown below, as well as the club stand and prize giving. Fortunately the drizzle held off for most of the time. Many thanks to all who came, and especially to the organisers.

Shelsey Walsh – 16 July
Saturday with the club at Shelsey Walsh. I’ve put some of the more unusual cars on. I was particularly impressed by the Bentley Continental ‘Locomotive’, it must have been a good 20ft long, two door, just about enough room for driver and passenger

Drive it Day trip to Wythell Bus Transport Museum

Lake Vyrnwy trip – 20th March

Bob Machin’s funeral cortege and service